Tiny Rugby School is once again working with Active Essex to bring Essex ActivAte, A fun filled camp to Harwich during the October Half Term
This camp is for all primary school aged children in the Harwich and Dovercourt area to come along and enjoy some sport and enrichment activities during the holidays.
Sunday 27th October 8:30-12:30
Monday 28th October 8:30-12:30
HALLOWEEN PARTY Monday 28th October 1:00-2:00
Spring Meadow Primary School
3 ways to book our camp
1) Children entitled to benefits based free school meals and looked after children will need to fill out the form below. The CAMP & MEAL is free of charge
2) Children from low income working families will need to fill out the form below. The CAMP is free of charge. a meal can be purchased for £3.50 per day or the children can bring a packed lunch
3) families who do not fall under the above requirements can join the camp for £15 per day. a meal can be purchased for £3.50 per day. you can book by filling out the form below